APF Launches Library Engagement Toolkit
What is the APF Library Engagement Toolkit?
It's our pleasure to introduce the launch of the APF Library Engagement Toolkit, the newest initiative to come out of the APF Cultural Heritage Fund.
The toolkit serves as as a guide for anyone who wants to introduce books about the Pakistani American experience to libraries across the United States.
During the past two decades, an unprecedented number of books have been written about the Pakistani American experience for children, young adult, and adult audiences. Inclusion of these books in public and school libraries builds bridges between our communities and others.
The toolkit provides a step-by-step approach for how you can strengthen representation in libraries. It includes:
A letter template you can personalize and send to libraries to explain why books about the Pakistani American experience should be included in their collections
The APF Book List, a list of our favorite books on the Pakistani American experience that you can share with libraries
a how-to-guide on starting your own Little Free Library in front of your home or business (scroll down to learn about the APF Little Free Library Project!)
This kind of representation empowers us all by providing accessible and available opportunities to learn about our cultural heritage.
Empowerment in Action: APF Free Little Libraries Project
As part of the Library Engagement Toolkit, APF members across the United States are donating books about the Pakistani American experience to Little Free Libraries in their neighborhoods. As of November 2021, APF members have donated books in Virginia; Washington, DC; Massachusetts; Ohio; and North Carolina.
To participate in this project, donate a book from The APF Book List, locate a Little Free Library in your neighborhood using this map, and email a picture of you dropping the book at the free library to info@americanpakistan.org and we’ll feature you on our website and in our monthly newsletter.