APF Library Engagement Toolkit
Who Should Use this Toolkit?
Anyone who wants to introduce books about the Pakistani American experience to libraries across the United States.
Steps You Can Take to Strengthen Representation
There are several ways that you can introduce new books to your library and school communities. Before suggesting resources, we encourage you to visit your local library to see what books are already available.
1 - Contact Your Public Library
Send an email, write a letter, or make a phone call to share why you think it’s important to have Pakistani American voices represented in library collections in the United States.
Share this list of recommended books on the Pakistani American experience.
Request a meeting with the local library board or friends of the library group to learn more about how they select books for the library.
2- Engage School Libraries
Meet with the school librarian or school teachers to learn more about how representation is being addressed in the school library.
Use this message as a template to communicate with the school.
Share this list of recommended books on the Pakistani American experience with your school library.
Ask your school if they have a wish list of certain books and donate. Encourage your friends to donate too!
3 -Provide Books to Little Free Libraries
Little Free Libraries are popping up all over the United States. Get your own Free Library book-sharing box & share books about the Pakistani American experience
Purchase books from our list and share them in a little library in your neighborhood. Find a nearby location using this map.
APF members across the United States are donating books about the Pakistani American experience to Little Free Libraries in their neighborhoods.
Want to help? Donate a book from The APF Book List, locate a Little Free Library in your neighborhood using this map, and email a picture of you dropping the book at the free library to info@americanpakistan.org and we’ll feature you on our website and in our monthly newsletter.

“Daal is my favorite food, so maybe someone else will read this and try it?”
Reza, age 6 on Bilal Cooks Daal by Aisha Saeed
The APF Booklist
What to read about Pakistan & Pakistani Americans