APF Mid-Year Update


Dear friend of APF,

It's been a busy and challenging year. We have been hard at work expanding our community outreach and programs, all while orienting our initiatives to fit our now largely virtual world.

Many of our new programs are the result of the extensive conversations and relationship building we've enjoyed with community leaders such as yourself. I want to maintain that collective growth mindset moving forward.

In that spirit, I am sharing the APF Mid-Year Update. It discusses our progress on the implementation of our mission during the Jan-May 2020 time period.

The update features our work to fight the pandemic; initiatives to foster policy literacy and civic engagement; and efforts to profile and highlight our community's contributions in the United States and Pakistan.

I am also sharing the APF Strategic Framework , which outlines the guiding principles and rationale for our work.

Please take a moment to learn about all we've accomplished since January. It is because of your support that our work is possible. We know these are difficult times to merely maintain our own financial situations. We are exceptionally grateful for every dollar, and we hope that you know we are doing our best to make your generosity count.

Though we hope to back within six feet of one another soon, APF is well-positioned to continue its strong forward momentum even in these challenging circumstances. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy.

Shamila N. Chaudhary

President, American Pakistan Foundation

APF Mid-Year Update - June 2020

APF Mid-Year Update - June 2020

APF Strategic Framework - May 2020

APF Strategic Framework - May 2020