Frequently Asked Questions About the APF Pakistan Fellows Program
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What is the purpose of the Fellows program?
The APF Fellows Program is for U.S.-based students and professionals who are committed to creating positive
socioeconomic change in Pakistan and seek experience and exposure to working in rural development in Pakistan.
Where do Fellows work?
APF places fellows in one of six programs managed by the National Rural Support Programme (NRSP), which works with over 3.4 million poor households organized into a network of 216,873 community organizations. Fellows are primarily based at the NRSP headquarters in Islamabad, with fieldwork carried out in rural areas of Pakistan. In 2024, APF will also place Fellows with Atlantic Council, an international affairs think tank in Washington, DC and virtual Fellows with Sehat Kahani, an accessible telemedicine solution provider in Pakistan.
What does it cost to participate?
Fellows pay for some direct participation costs including round trip airfare; food; travel insurance; visa fees; and miscellaneous expenses. Housing, placement related transportation, and airport pick-up and drop-offs are provided by the host organization. Program administrative costs are covered by APF and the host organization.
Who is eligible to apply?
Anyone who has completed their sophomore year in college or beyond; and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and living in the United States. Those who are still in high school (including seniors) are not eligible to apply.
What is a typical work week for a Fellow?
For the NRSP program in Islamabad, the usual volunteer working hours are 9:00-5:00 PM, Monday-Friday. If traveling for fieldwork, hours and locations may vary and Fellows may be commuting during the weekend. Changes in the standard schedule are decided once a Fellow commits to fieldwork.
Where will I live and how will I get around?
Local housing and work-related transportation for fellows will be provided by host organizations. Fellows must arrange their own transportation for non-work related trips. Fellows are required to stay at the host provided housing and may not stay with family or friends for the duration of the fellowship.
Will I need a visa?
Depending on their status, Fellows will need to apply for visas to visit Pakistan. APF will assist and advise fellows through the visa application process.
Can Fellows post on social media or talk to the media?
APF requires any media engagements to be cleared in advance. We encourage Fellows to maintain a professional public image.
Can I get class credit?
APF will provide paperwork validating the internship should Fellows seek class credit and satisfactorily complete the program.
What is the duration of the fellowship?
Fellows live and work in Pakistan for eight weeks.
I’m not a student. Can I still apply?
Yes. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply to be a Fellow.
Are scholarships available for Fellows?
Scholarships covering airfare may be available for highly competitive candidates who provide demonstration of financial need.
How is the program managed?
APF staff and members of the Leadership Council manage the program. APF maintains active avenues of communication with the host organization and all Fellows throughout the program.
Can Fellows go sight-seeing in their free time?
Yes. One of the benefits of the Fellows program is that participants learn about the culture, people, and history of Pakistan. Fellows must organize such trips in consultation with APF and NRSP staff. APF requires at least two fellows to travel together at all times.
What measures are taken in case of a natural disaster or if an attack takes place where Fellows are located?
In case of such an issue, APF holds its partner organizations to a high standard to have a safety response system in place and to ensure all Fellows are safe and accounted for.
What do Fellows work on?
Placements are based on the experience and interest areas of the Fellows. Previous focus areas for NRSP include education, micro-finance, health, sanitation, poverty alleviation, and social media. Sehat Kahani introduces fellows to the telemedicine and healthcare sector.
Are there reporting requirements for Fellows?
APF requires Fellows to develop a career portfolio, including writing three blog posts; preparing a report for the host organization; preparing an APF report; and participating in an APF post-program event.
Is it safe?
APF provides a pre-departure orientation which outlines best practices and experiences regarding safety and security in Pakistan. APF also connects former Fellows with applicants to address questions about security and other topics.
Do I need to be fluent in a certain language, or can I get by with English?
There is no requirement for any linguistic fluency other than English but the program experience will be more beneficial with a basic understanding of languages, such as Urdu, Punjabi, Saraiki, and/or Pashto, which are commonly spoken in Pakistan’s rural areas.
What if I get sick?
APF strongly encourages Fellows to follow standard health procedures for traveling in foreign countries. This includes obtaining necessary vaccinations; taking precautions when consuming food and water; and being mindful of the health-related impact of extreme weather. Medical centers are available throughout Pakistan but quality and access of healthcare may vary across urban and rural areas. Treatment costs must be paid for out of pocket or with travel medical insurance.
Can Fellows arrive earlier or leave later to accommodate personal visits?
Yes. Fellows may get to Pakistan earlier and leave later but they must share all travel plans with APF and are responsible for all housing before and after the designated housing dates provided for the fellowship. Fellows are responsible for their airport pickup and drop-off if they choose to arrive earlier and/or leave later.
What qualifications do Fellows typically have?
Previous Fellows include college and graduate students, as well as working professionals. Fellows come from a variety of disciplines, including medicine, political science, law, human rights, business, economics, and international development.
What is the selection process?
APF receives several hundred applicants a year and selects the most qualified candidates. Selection is conducted by a committee including APF staff, Leadership Council members, and former Fellows. Applicants are scored based on their application materials and interviews. APF solicits feedback from partner organizations on the ground prior to making final selections.
What kind of networking opportunities are available to Fellows?
Fellows will have the opportunity to network with Pakistani leaders from corporate, nonprofit, startup, government, and academic backgrounds.